This is food from the heart.
At Sister Schubert’s, our purpose is to nourish connections through the warm Southern goodness of our baked breads. We want to get people to share laughter and love during meals—and nothing gets a family to the table like Sister Schubert’s.

Our bread is baked with warmth inside.
We use better, simpler ingredients. And a recipe that’s been passed down through Sister’s family for generations. From our yeast dinner rolls to our classic Parker House-style rolls to our sweet rolls—Sister Schubert’s homemade-like quality makes it true comfort food, perfect for bringing people together every day.

The Story of Sister
Patricia “Sister” Schubert (known as “Sister” because her older sister couldn’t pronounce her name) was born and raised in Alabama. As a young girl, she learned to express her love for family and friends through cooking with her grandmother. Her grandmother’s most special shared recipe was for her Parker House Rolls—soft, buttery pull-apart rolls—that had been passed down for five generations through Sister’s family.
Realizing those rolls were magical, Sister set out of share them with even more people. She began baking in her home and delivering orders herself. When a factory near her hometown closed, threatening scores of jobs, Sister got the capital to build a bakery there to save those jobs. When a big bread company wanted to buy her out, she wouldn’t sell despite the huge payout. Instead, she waited until the right company came along, one that would keep her and her people involved, so she could ensure that her grandmother’s recipe stayed just as good as always…hot, fresh-from-the-oven rolls that taste homemade, made with real ingredients.
Today, Sister is actively involved in all new product development to ensure her high standards are met. She passionately supports small, local charities across the South and spends time traveling, telling her story and inspiring other women to pursue their dreams. As Sister always says, “I was put on this earth to bake bread. Any home. Anywhere. I want my rolls to bring people together. And doesn’t our world need a whole lot more of that.”
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